
Belgrade is simply beautiful. Unfortunately, the Kosovo War left the Serbian nation suspended in time. Only few buildings are new or refurbished the majority look like they never been touch for at least 50 years if not a century.
In Belgrade, NATO airstrikes were aimed mainly at guvernamental buildings like Ministry of Interior buildings, army HQ buildings, etc. I will only say that the Serbs still preserve the bombarded buildings and were them like a kind of honor badge.
You don’t see many nations proud of their own mistakes and of the crimes committed. Only in their minds the bombed buildings us a reminder of of an unjust bombing from the american imperialists. To me were a reminder of the genocide committed by the serbs in Kosovo. The bombings were the only things that but a stop to the Serbian madness rumbling in the region.
The only other people wearing with pride the symbols of their own misery and of a lost war are the white supremacists upholding the Confederate Battle Flag.