EFORIE SUD, ROMANIA - SEP 06: Suliman Turcmian, early morning in Eforie Sud, on September 06, 2022. Roma community living near a new municipal refuse site at Eforie Sud in the Northern Dobruja region of Romania, struggle without electricity and running water and face imminent evictions after the city-hall claimed in court that the community lacks proper tenure since 2015. Regardless of international pressure to stop such practices, local authorities continue to forcibly evict the remaining Roma people, including young children, often leaving them with no shelter facing extreme weather conditions and a lack of food.

EFORIE SUD, ROMANIA - SEP 22: Suliman Turcmian barely waking up as Suliman Aise is making the bad, two Roma siblings of Turkish origins that struggle without electricity and running water and face imminent evictions after the city-hall claimed in court that the community lacks proper tenure since 2015, on September 06, 2022.

EFORIE SUD, ROMANIA - SEP 22: Roma people of Turkish origins struggle without electricity and running water and face imminent evictions after the city-hall claimed in court that the community lacks proper tenure since 2015, on September 06, 2022.

EFORIE SUD, ROMANIA - SEP 06: Suliman Elvis (L) and Dali (R) playing with a kitty in Eforie Sud, on September 06, 2022. Roma community living near a new municipal refuse site at Eforie Sud in the Northern Dobruja region of Romania, struggle without electricity and running water and face imminent evictions after the city-hall claimed in court that the community lacks proper tenure since 2015. Regardless of international pressure to stop such practices, local authorities continue to forcibly evict the remaining Roma people, including young children, often leaving them with no shelter facing extreme weather conditions and a lack of food.

EFORIE SUD, ROMANIA - SEP 06: Suliman Edie (L) is painting the nails of Mustafa Anife (R) while Memet Emine and Ahmet Anife chat in Eforie Sud, on September 06, 2022. Roma community living near a new municipal refuse site at Eforie Sud in the Northern Dobruja region of Romania, struggle without electricity and running water and face imminent evictions after the city-hall claimed in court that the community lacks proper tenure since 2015. Regardless of international pressure to stop such practices, local authorities continue to forcibly evict the remaining Roma people, including young children, often leaving them with no shelter facing extreme weather conditions and a lack of food.

EFORIE SUD, ROMANIA - SEP 06: Ahmet Armani (M) and other Roma of Turkish origin in Eforie Sud, on September 06, 2022. Roma community living near a new municipal refuse site at Eforie Sud in the Northern Dobruja region of Romania, struggle without electricity and running water and face imminent evictions after the city-hall claimed in court that the community lacks proper tenure since 2015. Regardless of international pressure to stop such practices, local authorities continue to forcibly evict the remaining Roma people, including young children, often leaving them with no shelter facing extreme weather conditions and a lack of food.

EFORIE SUD, ROMANIA - SEP 06: Dali (L) and Suliman Armando (R) inside a container in Eforie Sud, on September 06, 2022. Roma community living near a new municipal refuse site at Eforie Sud in the Northern Dobruja region of Romania, struggle without electricity and running water and face imminent evictions after the city-hall claimed in court that the community lacks proper tenure since 2015. Regardless of international pressure to stop such practices, local authorities continue to forcibly evict the remaining Roma people, including young children, often leaving them with no shelter facing extreme weather conditions and a lack of food.

EFORIE SUD, ROMANIA - SEP 06: Suliman Elvis (L), Dali (M) and Suliman Armando (R) playing with a kitty in Eforie Sud, on September 06, 2022. Roma community living near a new municipal refuse site at Eforie Sud in the Northern Dobruja region of Romania, struggle without electricity and running water and face imminent evictions after the city-hall claimed in court that the community lacks proper tenure since 2015. Regardless of international pressure to stop such practices, local authorities continue to forcibly evict the remaining Roma people, including young children, often leaving them with no shelter facing extreme weather conditions and a lack of food.

EFORIE SUD, ROMANIA - SEP 06: From left to right, Iusmen Cadir, Suliman Suliman Elvis, Iusmen Cadir, Dali, Suliman Emine, going to bring water for the community in Eforie Sud, on September 06, 2022. Roma community living near a new municipal refuse site at Eforie Sud in the Northern Dobruja region of Romania, struggle without electricity and running water and face imminent evictions after the city-hall claimed in court that the community lacks proper tenure since 2015. Regardless of international pressure to stop such practices, local authorities continue to forcibly evict the remaining Roma people, including young children, often leaving them with no shelter facing extreme weather conditions and a lack of food.

EFORIE SUD, ROMANIA - SEP 22: Roma people of Turkish origins struggle without electricity and running water and face imminent evictions after the city-hall claimed in court that the community lacks proper tenure since 2015, on September 06, 2022.

EFORIE SUD, ROMANIA - SEP 06: Roma kids of Turkish origin playing in Eforie Sud, on September 06, 2022. Roma community living near a new municipal refuse site at Eforie Sud in the Northern Dobruja region of Romania, struggle without electricity and running water and face imminent evictions after the city-hall claimed in court that the community lacks proper tenure since 2015. Regardless of international pressure to stop such practices, local authorities continue to forcibly evict the remaining Roma people, including young children, often leaving them with no shelter facing extreme weather conditions and a lack of food.

EFORIE SUD, ROMANIA - SEP 06: Suliman Elvis (L) leaving with his parents to bring water for the community, in Eforie Sud, on September 06, 2022. Roma community living near a new municipal refuse site at Eforie Sud in the Northern Dobruja region of Romania, struggle without electricity and running water and face imminent evictions after the city-hall claimed in court that the community lacks proper tenure since 2015. Regardless of international pressure to stop such practices, local authorities continue to forcibly evict the remaining Roma people, including young children, often leaving them with no shelter facing extreme weather conditions and a lack of food.

EFORIE SUD, ROMANIA - SEP 06: Saban Guler (R) and her children, in Eforie Sud, on September 06, 2022. Roma community of Turkish origin living near a new municipal refuse site at Eforie Sud in the Northern Dobruja region of Romania, struggle without electricity and running water and face imminent evictions after the city-hall claimed in court that the community lacks proper tenure since 2015. Regardless of international pressure to stop such practices, local authorities continue to forcibly evict the remaining Roma people, including young children, often leaving them with no shelter facing extreme weather conditions and a lack of food.

EFORIE SUD, ROMANIA - SEP 06: Suliman Armando (L), Suliman Nazl, Suliman Melec, Ismen Cadir and Suliman Elvis (R) early morning in Eforie Sud, on September 06, 2022. Roma community living near a new municipal refuse site at Eforie Sud in the Northern Dobruja region of Romania, struggle without electricity and running water and face imminent evictions after the city-hall claimed in court that the community lacks proper tenure since 2015. Regardless of international pressure to stop such practices, local authorities continue to forcibly evict the remaining Roma people, including young children, often leaving them with no shelter facing extreme weather conditions and a lack of food.

EFORIE SUD, ROMANIA - SEP 06: Suliman Sibelgean, early morning in Eforie Sud, on September 06, 2022. Roma community living near a new municipal refuse site at Eforie Sud in the Northern Dobruja region of Romania, struggle without electricity and running water and face imminent evictions after the city-hall claimed in court that the community lacks proper tenure since 2015. Regardless of international pressure to stop such practices, local authorities continue to forcibly evict the remaining Roma people, including young children, often leaving them with no shelter facing extreme weather conditions and a lack of food.

EFORIE SUD, ROMANIA - SEP 06: Suliman Nazl, Suliman Melec, Ismen Armando and Suliman Arsen (R) pose for a photograph in Eforie Sud, on September 06, 2022. Roma community living near a new municipal refuse site at Eforie Sud in the Northern Dobruja region of Romania, struggle without electricity and running water and face imminent evictions after the city-hall claimed in court that the community lacks proper tenure since 2015. Regardless of international pressure to stop such practices, local authorities continue to forcibly evict the remaining Roma people, including young children, often leaving them with no shelter facing extreme weather conditions and a lack of food.
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