VALEA PLOPULUI, ROMANIA - SEP 12: High-schoolers from Caragiale (Bucharest) attending a 3 days social camp at Valea Plopului on September 12, 2014. Following a series of monthly interactions, at school, debating various social issues, in September 2014 I organized a social camp at Valea Plopului meant to create interactions between the high-schoolers and the abandoned children, cared by Father Tanase, an orthodox priest sheltering more than 300 souls. Photography by Mugur Varzariu/Getty Images/Newsweek.

VALEA PLOPULUI, ROMANIA - SEP 12: High-schoolers from Caragiale (Bucharest) attending a 3 days social camp at Valea Plopului on September 12, 2014. Following a series of monthly interactions, at school, debating various social issues, in September 2014 I organized a social camp at Valea Plopului meant to create interactions between the high-schoolers and the abandoned children, cared by Father Tanase, an orthodox priest sheltering more than 300 souls. Photography by Mugur Varzariu/Getty Images/Newsweek.

VALEA PLOPULUI, ROMANIA - SEP 12: High-schoolers from Caragiale (Bucharest) attending a 3 days social camp at Valea Plopului on September 12, 2014. Following a series of monthly interactions, at school, debating various social issues, in September 2014 I organized a social camp at Valea Plopului meant to create interactions between the high-schoolers and the abandoned children, cared by Father Tanase, an orthodox priest sheltering more than 300 souls. Photography by Mugur Varzariu/Getty Images/Newsweek.

VALEA PLOPULUI, ROMANIA - SEP 12: High-schoolers from Caragiale (Bucharest) attending a 3 days social camp at Valea Plopului on September 12, 2014. Following a series of monthly interactions, at school, debating various social issues, in September 2014 I organized a social camp at Valea Plopului meant to create interactions between the high-schoolers and the abandoned children, cared by Father Tanase, an orthodox priest sheltering more than 300 souls. Photography by Mugur Varzariu/Getty Images/Newsweek.

VALEA PLOPULUI, ROMANIA - SEP 12: High-schoolers from Caragiale (Bucharest) attending a 3 days social camp at Valea Plopului on September 12, 2014. Following a series of monthly interactions, at school, debating various social issues, in September 2014 I organized a social camp at Valea Plopului meant to create interactions between the high-schoolers and the abandoned children, cared by Father Tanase, an orthodox priest sheltering more than 300 souls. Photography by Mugur Varzariu/Getty Images/Newsweek.

VALEA PLOPULUI, ROMANIA - SEP 12: High-schoolers from Caragiale (Bucharest) attending a 3 days social camp at Valea Plopului on September 12, 2014. Following a series of monthly interactions, at school, debating various social issues, in September 2014 I organized a social camp at Valea Plopului meant to create interactions between the high-schoolers and the abandoned children, cared by Father Tanase, an orthodox priest sheltering more than 300 souls. Photography by Mugur Varzariu/Getty Images/Newsweek.

VALEA PLOPULUI, ROMANIA - SEP 12: High-schoolers from Caragiale (Bucharest) attending a 3 days social camp at Valea Plopului on September 12, 2014. Following a series of monthly interactions, at school, debating various social issues, in September 2014 I organized a social camp at Valea Plopului meant to create interactions between the high-schoolers and the abandoned children, cared by Father Tanase, an orthodox priest sheltering more than 300 souls. Photography by Mugur Varzariu/Getty Images/Newsweek.

VALEA PLOPULUI, ROMANIA - SEP 12: High-schoolers from Caragiale (Bucharest) attending a 3 days social camp at Valea Plopului on September 12, 2014. Following a series of monthly interactions, at school, debating various social issues, in September 2014 I organized a social camp at Valea Plopului meant to create interactions between the high-schoolers and the abandoned children, cared by Father Tanase, an orthodox priest sheltering more than 300 souls. Photography by Mugur Varzariu/Getty Images/Newsweek.

VALEA PLOPULUI, ROMANIA - SEP 12: High-schoolers from Caragiale (Bucharest) attending a 3 days social camp at Valea Plopului on September 12, 2014. Following a series of monthly interactions, at school, debating various social issues, in September 2014 I organized a social camp at Valea Plopului meant to create interactions between the high-schoolers and the abandoned children, cared by Father Tanase, an orthodox priest sheltering more than 300 souls. Photography by Mugur Varzariu/Getty Images/Newsweek.

VALEA PLOPULUI, ROMANIA - SEP 12: High-schoolers from Caragiale (Bucharest) attending a 3 days social camp at Valea Plopului on September 12, 2014. Following a series of monthly interactions, at school, debating various social issues, in September 2014 I organized a social camp at Valea Plopului meant to create interactions between the high-schoolers and the abandoned children, cared by Father Tanase, an orthodox priest sheltering more than 300 souls. Photography by Mugur Varzariu/Getty Images/Newsweek.

VALEA PLOPULUI, ROMANIA - SEP 12: High-schoolers from Caragiale (Bucharest) attending a 3 days social camp at Valea Plopului on September 12, 2014. Following a series of monthly interactions, at school, debating various social issues, in September 2014 I organized a social camp at Valea Plopului meant to create interactions between the high-schoolers and the abandoned children, cared by Father Tanase, an orthodox priest sheltering more than 300 souls. Photography by Mugur Varzariu/Getty Images/Newsweek.

VALEA PLOPULUI, ROMANIA - SEP 12: High-schoolers from Caragiale (Bucharest) attending a 3 days social camp at Valea Plopului on September 12, 2014. Following a series of monthly interactions, at school, debating various social issues, in September 2014 I organized a social camp at Valea Plopului meant to create interactions between the high-schoolers and the abandoned children, cared by Father Tanase, an orthodox priest sheltering more than 300 souls. Photography by Mugur Varzariu/Getty Images/Newsweek.

VALEA PLOPULUI, ROMANIA - SEP 12: High-schoolers from Caragiale (Bucharest) attending a 3 days social camp at Valea Plopului on September 12, 2014. Following a series of monthly interactions, at school, debating various social issues, in September 2014 I organized a social camp at Valea Plopului meant to create interactions between the high-schoolers and the abandoned children, cared by Father Tanase, an orthodox priest sheltering more than 300 souls. Photography by Mugur Varzariu/Getty Images/Newsweek.

VALEA PLOPULUI, ROMANIA - SEP 12: High-schoolers from Caragiale (Bucharest) attending a 3 days social camp at Valea Plopului on September 12, 2014. Following a series of monthly interactions, at school, debating various social issues, in September 2014 I organized a social camp at Valea Plopului meant to create interactions between the high-schoolers and the abandoned children, cared by Father Tanase, an orthodox priest sheltering more than 300 souls. Photography by Mugur Varzariu/Getty Images/Newsweek.

VALEA PLOPULUI, ROMANIA - SEP 12: High-schoolers from Caragiale (Bucharest) attending a 3 days social camp at Valea Plopului on September 12, 2014. Following a series of monthly interactions, at school, debating various social issues, in September 2014 I organized a social camp at Valea Plopului meant to create interactions between the high-schoolers and the abandoned children, cared by Father Tanase, an orthodox priest sheltering more than 300 souls. Photography by Mugur Varzariu/Getty Images/Newsweek.

VALEA PLOPULUI, ROMANIA - SEP 12: High-schoolers from Caragiale (Bucharest) attending a 3 days social camp at Valea Plopului on September 12, 2014. Following a series of monthly interactions, at school, debating various social issues, in September 2014 I organized a social camp at Valea Plopului meant to create interactions between the high-schoolers and the abandoned children, cared by Father Tanase, an orthodox priest sheltering more than 300 souls. Photography by Mugur Varzariu/Getty Images/Newsweek.

VALEA PLOPULUI, ROMANIA - SEP 12: High-schoolers from Caragiale (Bucharest) attending a 3 days social camp at Valea Plopului on September 12, 2014. Following a series of monthly interactions, at school, debating various social issues, in September 2014 I organized a social camp at Valea Plopului meant to create interactions between the high-schoolers and the abandoned children, cared by Father Tanase, an orthodox priest sheltering more than 300 souls. Photography by Mugur Varzariu/Getty Images/Newsweek.

VALEA PLOPULUI, ROMANIA - SEP 12: High-schoolers from Caragiale (Bucharest) attending a 3 days social camp at Valea Plopului on September 12, 2014. Following a series of monthly interactions, at school, debating various social issues, in September 2014 I organized a social camp at Valea Plopului meant to create interactions between the high-schoolers and the abandoned children, cared by Father Tanase, an orthodox priest sheltering more than 300 souls. Photography by Mugur Varzariu/Getty Images/Newsweek.